Author Archives: Site Administrator
Representing parents in Nevada child custody disagreements
Just because a divorce is complete, that does not mean that court orders relating to child custody will stand forever. Circumstances may change relating to either parent that could warrant the court’s reconsideration of a child custody decision. Always, when considering child custody matters, Nevada family courts will strive to make decisions that support… Read More »
The financial risk of a long trial separation
Some couples who are thinking of getting divorced like to have a trial separation first, giving them a chance to live apart without doing anything to make it legally official. This gives them a better sense of what it’s like so they can make a more informed decision. This can be helpful, but it’s… Read More »
What are some tips for telling kids about divorce?
Telling kids about divorce isn’t easy — for the children or the parents. You know it’s going to be one of the most difficult conversations you’ve ever had, but it has to be done. Here are some tips to make the conversation and the aftermath a bit easier: — Let your children know that… Read More »
Keeping your children from becoming victims of divorce
You’ve heard the phrase before: Children are the real victims of divorce. Does it have to be this, though? One woman relates her experience with divorce and how it affected her children. She said that her husband and she stayed together for quite some time for “the sake of the kids.” She said that… Read More »
The impact of child support delinquency on your credit
If you have been ordered by a court to pay child support, it’s essential to make these payments in full and on time. The penalties for not doing so can be serious. Here in Las Vegas, as in many other places, they can include significant fines and even jail time. Another potential negative effect… Read More »
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act is necessary because people often don’t remain in one state. When child custody disputes arise between parents, that mobility can impact the case. When parents and children remain in one state, that state had jurisdiction over any child matter that occurs. It is common, though, for… Read More »
Man facing murder charges for suicide of partner
A man is facing depraved heart murder charges stemming from the December 2015 suicide of his partner. Prosecutors say that the 34-year-old man drove the woman to kill herself after approximately a decade of physical and emotional abuse. This particular charge doesn’t require prosecutors to prove that the accused intended to kill the victim…. Read More »
Do you need a valuation expert during your divorce?
When a couple has millions of dollars in assets, property and investments, a divorce can be quite complex. Simply trying to determine what everything is worth can be difficult. One way to minimize mistakes is to hire a valuation expert. This is an objective third-party who will determine the values of the couple’s assets… Read More »
How are a child’s ‘best interests’ determined?
In family law, the concept of what’s in a child’s “best interests” has generally become the standard when courts are asked or required to step in and make these decisions in divorce cases. That happens when parents can’t agree on custody and visitation arrangements or other matters impacting their children. The goal of this… Read More »
What does the court consider in relocating with a child?
If you are the custodial parent and you want to move several states away to be closer to your family or pursue another job opportunity, will the court approve the move? The answer is that it all depends. There are many factors to be considered and the court is ultimately most concerned about what… Read More »