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What To Look Out For In Your Military Divorce
Nevada is home to several military bases, with Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases near enough to Las Vegas where many servicemen make their homes in the area. Servicepeople marry and divorce like anyone else; however, there are certain unique regulations that have to be dealt with while going through the process. If you… Read More »

Is My Inheritance Community Property?
Nevada is one of 9 states, as of this writing, that observes the community property system of asset distribution when dealing with divorces. This means that all assets and debts acquired during your marriage are community property, and will be divided as close to 50-50 as possible between you and your spouse if you… Read More »

How To Craft A Nevada Prenuptial Agreement
When two people get married in Nevada, there is generally an expectation to always be honest with each other, for both the health of their finances and of the marriage itself. However, some people choose to take a further step and execute a prenuptial agreement, often referred to as a prenup. If this is… Read More »

Seeking Nevada Alimony Modification?
Even after your divorce is final, it is important to keep in mind that in certain circumstances, a divorce decree may not be set in stone – life changes, and issues that have been previously settled may require revisiting further down the road. The questions that most often arise after the decree is entered… Read More »

Do You Need A Business Valuation In Nevada For Your Divorce?
If you and your spouse are in the process of divorcing and you have a family business, or one or both of you have professional practices, those businesses will need to be valued and apportioned, just like any other asset or debt in a Nevada divorce. This is called business valuation, and it can… Read More »

What To Expect When Relocating With Your Children
Recently, with the country in a constant state of upheaval, many people are deciding to pull up stakes and try to find better opportunities in other states. However, if you are deciding to move for any reason, and you have children, you may not simply uproot yourself without notice, or you risk losing custody…. Read More »

Estate Planning Instruments After Divorce
There are numerous estate planning instruments that are recommended for the average person. However, what many do not know is that certain documents like wills or life insurance policies will automatically be altered as soon as your divorce is complete. If you have a specific plan as to how your estate should be divided,… Read More »

Property Division: Who Gets The Pets?
Many people believe that a house is not a home without a pet. As such, when two people are getting a divorce, there can be serious disputes over who gets to retain ownership of their pets, because of their emotional value. The answer can be determined by a host of different factors, but either… Read More »

Nevada Child Support Questions
Child support is by far the most contentious part of many Nevada divorces. Very often, both parents will dispute exactly what constitutes child support and how much the obligation should be. If the parents cannot agree, the court will intervene. Either way, it is a good idea to seek out a family lawyer to… Read More »

Social Media In Nevada Divorce
When you are in the midst of obtaining a divorce, the temptation to vent about the process (or even about your ex) on social media can be extremely high. However, this can lead to serious issues if your posts should be seen by your spouse or by the court itself – in extreme cases,… Read More »