Category Archives: Family Law

Is My Inheritance Community Property?
Nevada is one of 9 states, as of this writing, that observes the community property system of asset distribution when dealing with divorces. This means that all assets and debts acquired during your marriage are community property, and will be divided as close to 50-50 as possible between you and your spouse if you… Read More »

Seeking Nevada Alimony Modification?
Even after your divorce is final, it is important to keep in mind that in certain circumstances, a divorce decree may not be set in stone – life changes, and issues that have been previously settled may require revisiting further down the road. The questions that most often arise after the decree is entered… Read More »

Estate Planning Instruments After Divorce
There are numerous estate planning instruments that are recommended for the average person. However, what many do not know is that certain documents like wills or life insurance policies will automatically be altered as soon as your divorce is complete. If you have a specific plan as to how your estate should be divided,… Read More »

Red Flags To Look For In Your Nevada Prenuptial Agreement
Many couples in this day and age are choosing to execute premarital (prenuptial) agreements, to protect their rights and ensure that any potential divorce will be as equitable as possible. However, not all such agreements are created equal; there are a series of potentially problematic issues that can mean trouble if they show up… Read More »

What are Your Rights & Responsibilities In A Prenuptial Agreement?
More and more couples are executing prenuptial agreements, also called prenups or premarital agreements, before they get married. It may seem easy, but in reality a prenup can be quite complex, and it is easy to include items that cannot legally be included. It is highly recommended to be aware of both the rights… Read More »

Cohabitation In Nevada
Not everyone wants to get married. Many people these days are perfectly content living together without being legally married. Nevada couples have sought to clarify the status of their relationships by executing what are called “cohabitation agreements”. While lacking the strength of statutorily recognized contracts like a prenuptial agreement, they are potentially valid contracts… Read More »

Changing Your Will Post Divorce
In the complex process of a divorce, often the last thing a person thinks of is to make adjustments to their estate planning instruments. However, in Nevada, it is necessary to change your will and other documents after divorce, because the law invalidates certain provisions if you do not. This can pose problems for… Read More »

Relocating With Your Child
People are much more mobile nowadays than they were in past generations, and this is especially true when there has been a major life event – a job change, a death in the family, or after divorce. If you want to move away after your Nevada divorce is final, you can do so –… Read More »

How To Divide Significant Assets During Divorce
While it may sound classist, it is the truth that high-asset divorces are generally much more complex and time-consuming than divorces where the parties have few assets to their names. If you have a lot of assets, it can seem difficult to know how best to divide them without being bogged down in minutiae…. Read More »

Pets & “Parenting” Time
Pet owners generally see their cat, dog, or other animal as part of the family. However, the law does not necessarily follow suit, and as such, this can make for difficult discussions during a divorce. If you are a pet parent, it is important to be aware that your pets are not going to… Read More »