Category Archives: Parental Rights

Determining Parental Unfitness
The policy of the courts in the State of Nevada is to make all custody determinations based upon the best interests of the child or children concerned in a specific case. While state policy suggests a preference for both parents to remain in a child’s life, if it is deemed to be necessary in… Read More »

When A Parent Is Unfit
Nevada custody and child support laws are founded upon the principle that the parent or the court must always act in the best interests of the child or children involved. Sometimes, this can mean that the court must make the determination that one or both parents are unfit to exercise custody or visitation rights…. Read More »

Can I Terminate My Ex’s Parental Rights?
Some parents in Nevada have experienced neglect and abandonment by their co-parent or spouse, leaving them with what can feel like the enormous burden of caring for their children alone. If that parent believes the other parent is a dangerous influence, or if they meet someone new, the question of terminating that parent’s parental… Read More »

The Process Of Child Relocation
When a divorced parent decides to move, or is provided with an opportunity that would require moving, there is occasionally a perception that they may simply pick up and move. If both parents are involved and are separated, however, this is not actually the case, assuming the relocating parent desires to take the child… Read More »

Losing Parental Rights
Just because someone fathers or gives birth to a child does not always mean that person is a fit parent for that child. In cases where abuse and neglect occurs, one parent may bring a motion to terminate the other parent’s parental rights (or a state agency may do so). Bringing a motion does… Read More »