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Litigating a Nevada divorce can bring difficulties

When a Nevada couple wishes to end their marriage, there are a number of options available as to how to achieve that end. In some cases, spouses are able to work together in a collaborative manner to iron out the details of their divorce. Other couples use the services of a mediator to help them reach an agreement that is amenable to both parties. However, when these efforts are not productive or possible, many turn to litigation as the method to end their marriage.

Litigation can be difficult, and the degree of difficulty often matches the degree of contention between parties. The process of litigating creates distinct sides, and can bring out the bully in many spouses. The dominant party often attempts to threaten or pressure the other into agreeing to terms and conditions, in order to avoid continuing litigation.

In addition, the act of litigating a divorce can cause the legal fees associated with the process to skyrocket. This, in effect, leaves fewer family resources to divide between spouses. The end result can also bring significant financial harm to couples who do not have the income or savings to support extended litigation.

While some degree of contention between spouses is to be expected during a Nevada divorce, it is important that both parties try to work together to reach a mutually agreeable end to their marriage. Engaging in lengthy litigation not only reduces the family’s net worth, it can also inhibit each spouse’s ability to move on with their lives. In most cases, a great deal of time, money and stress can be avoided by trying to reduce contention and work together to reach the end of the marriage. When this approach is simply not possible, having a solid legal team to protect one’s interests is the next best solution.

Source: Huffington Post, “Divorce Litigation: It’s Not for Wimps,” Jackie Pilossoph, May 28, 2013

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