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Tag Archives: divorce

Stress of divorce may lead to hair loss in women

By Kainen Law Group |

A divorce is usually a highly stressful event. Whether this stress comes from the legal aspect of the divorce or the more logistical elements, such as moving or adjusting to sharing custody of your children, it is rarely an easy process. Because women and men generally handle stress differently, it is foreseeable that a… Read More »

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McCourts back in court to settle spousal support dispute

By Kainen Law Group |

Although the divorce proceedings between Frank and Jamie McCourt, the owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team, have already stretched out for several months, there is no indication that the couple or the court will reach a final resolution anytime soon. Potentially stalling the already-long process, the McCourts continue to file court motions… Read More »

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With a little work, a child-positive divorce is possible

By Kainen Law Group |

Some people in Las Vegas, like people in any major city, will be too quick to tell you that no matter what you do, a divorce will be hard on your children. But you can file that piece of conventional wisdom in the “divorce myths” category, right next to “divorce is always expensive” and… Read More »

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After divorce, digital technology can both help and hurt

By Kainen Law Group |

Following a contested divorce, or even a relatively peaceful split, one of the most difficult tasks for ex-spouses is effectively communicating about their children, their home, financial matters, or anything else that may come up. If talking to an ex-spouse is difficult, technology such as email, texting, or even social media websites like Facebook… Read More »

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Sending children back to school after a divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

After a divorce has reached its legal conclusion, many spouses think that the hard part is over. For some, this may be true. But for many families, adjusting to life after a split can be much more difficult and stressful than the divorce itself. This is especially true for children, who will now find… Read More »

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Prenuptial agreements are becoming more popular in Nevada

By Kainen Law Group |

Given the steady rise in divorce rates, having a prenuptial agreement may make sense for many couples, especially for those who are marrying for a second time. Prenuptial agreements were once used exclusively by the rich and famous. However, a prenup is a good idea for all engaged couples, especially for those who are… Read More »

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Study: women gain weight in marriage, men in divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

A new study reports that both men and women commonly gain weight during marriage and following a divorce. However, the genders are believed to be more susceptible to weight gain following different life events: men gain weight following a divorce, while women gain weight during marriage. The study, which was reported at the recent… Read More »

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Control your finances during – and after – divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

Divorce can be a lonely process. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. In fact, family law experts suggest surrounding yourself with a support team to make it through the process. While friends and family are certainly valuable members of this team, there are others, such as a family law attorney and… Read More »

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Nevada ranks first on list of most divorced states

By Kainen Law Group |

Following a 2010 study, Nevada has been ranked as the nation’s “most divorced state,” with approximately 6.6 divorces per 1,000 people in the state. Certainly, there are a variety of possible reasons for Nevada’s disproportionately high divorce rate. In a CNBC analysis, the temptations of Reno and Las Vegas are blamed for the rank…. Read More »

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Alleged domestic violence leads to suicide for reality husband

By Kainen Law Group |

Russell Armstrong, the husband of Taylor Armstrong, one of the cast members of the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” reportedly committed suicide earlier this week after repeated public allegations that he abused his wife and multiple reports of financial fraud and other difficulties. The ongoing difficulties in the Armstrong marriage made up much of… Read More »

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