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Tag Archives: divorce

Don’t let divorce ruin your credit rating

By Kainen Law Group |

When a divorcing couple agrees on a settlement, or when a judge makes a divorce ruling, the joint debts of the party are often split as fairly and evenly as possible, depending on the other elements of the dissolution and each party’s individual and joint financial situation. Therefore, one spouse may be required to… Read More »

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Retirement plans don’t automatically change with divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

When a couple is married, they likely don’t give a second thought to the beneficiaries of their 401(k)s and other retirement accounts, and for good reason: unless otherwise specified, a spouse is usually the beneficiary of retirement funds. However, when a couple obtains a divorce, many are unaware that this designation does not automatically… Read More »

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Malta citizens vote to legalize divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

As our country wrestles with same-sex marriage and related issues, it seems antiquated and almost unbelievable that there are other nations still grappling with the concept of divorce. However, that is the case with Malta, a small European nation that voted just this week to legalize divorce in the country. In Nevada and throughout… Read More »

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Divorce may strengthen the parent-child relationship

By Kainen Law Group |

Sometimes, it seems that all we ever read (and write about) is the negative effects of divorce on children. Certainly, a divorce is a life-changing event for all members of the family, and parents should carefully navigate their post-divorce life to lessen the impact on children as much as possible. But parents who can’t… Read More »

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Las Vegas marriages are on the decline

By Kainen Law Group |

Throughout its history, Las Vegas has gained a reputation as somewhat of a marriage mecca. The city – more specifically, the Las Vegas strip – is known for its quickie wedding chapels, Elvis impersonator officiants, and drive-through weddings. Celebrities such as Britney Spears, Joan Collins, Demi Moore, Jon Bon Jovi and Angelina Jolie have… Read More »

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Disease and divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

When couples stand at the altar and proclaim that they will support each other in sickness and in health, most anticipate fulfilling that promise in their twilight years, after they have lived a long and happy life together. Few couples foresee their “in sickness” pledge coming due in the beginning, or even the middle,… Read More »

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Does gay marriage legalization lower the divorce rate?

By Kainen Law Group |

With the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in New York, it is becoming increasingly likely that other states may soon follow its lead. We realize that gay marriage is the subject of heated debate in Nevada and throughout the country, with valid arguments on both sides of the dispute. Recently, pro-gay-marriage advocates are citing… Read More »

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Financial infidelity could lead to divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

Despite the continuing reports that the economic recession is over, many Las Vegas residents continue to feel the pinch of a tough financial situation. High mortgage payments, credit card debt and medical bills leave many people without much, if any, money left over at the end of the month. However, old habits break hard,… Read More »

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Important divorce considerations for the boomer generation

By Kainen Law Group |

If a couple divorces at age 60, their divorce settlement, property agreement, and all other details will most certainly look much different than if they had divorced when they were 30. At an earlier age, divorce settlements often revolve around child custody, child support, real estate, and splitting common debt. At age 60, when… Read More »

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Study links adolescent sexual experience to divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

It is not uncommon for the effects and potential ramifications of a teenager’s (or adult’s) first sexual experience to continue for months, or even years, after the event itself. A new study has linked the age of a woman’s first sexual encounter to the likelihood that she will eventually divorce later in life. In… Read More »

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