Tag Archives: Las Vegas Family Attorney

Divorce And Immigration Status
In this age of increased global interdependence, more and more people are marrying foreign nationals and bringing them to the United States, or simply living in the U.S. with their foreign spouse. However, many remain unaware of the fact that a foreign spouse’s presence in the U.S. is often totally dependent on their marriage,… Read More »

The Process Of Child Relocation
When a divorced parent decides to move, or is provided with an opportunity that would require moving, there is occasionally a perception that they may simply pick up and move. If both parents are involved and are separated, however, this is not actually the case, assuming the relocating parent desires to take the child… Read More »

What Is A “Substantial Change In Circumstances?”
When a divorce or custody case is finalized, the order entered in the appropriate court includes all the relevant issues like child support and alimony (in the case of a divorce only). Thereafter, events in your life may necessitate a modification of the support order; however, doing so is not easy. In order to… Read More »

Child Support Guidelines And Deviating From Them
Any divorcing couple with children will likely be concerned about child support, either about the amount or whether it should be paid at all. Like many other states, Nevada has support guidelines written into its law, meaning that there is at least a place to start when a court seeks to assign an appropriate… Read More »

Inheritance In Community Property States
In community property states like Nevada, all property acquired during the marriage is presumed to be split 50-50 in the event of a divorce. Nevada law states that any inheritances, gifts or bequests granted to one person are theirs – but it can sometimes be difficult to determine if the grant is to one… Read More »