Tag Archives: Nevada Child Custody Lawyers

When Custody Is Contested
Sometimes, couples simply cannot come to an agreement on issues, and nowhere is this more common than in discussing child custody. While custody decisions do not have to be contentious, they often become intense or even hostile. In such cases, the court will be involved, both to ensure that a fair decision is made… Read More »

Determining Parental Unfitness
The policy of the courts in the State of Nevada is to make all custody determinations based upon the best interests of the child or children concerned in a specific case. While state policy suggests a preference for both parents to remain in a child’s life, if it is deemed to be necessary in… Read More »

Can I Terminate My Ex’s Parental Rights?
Some parents in Nevada have experienced neglect and abandonment by their co-parent or spouse, leaving them with what can feel like the enormous burden of caring for their children alone. If that parent believes the other parent is a dangerous influence, or if they meet someone new, the question of terminating that parent’s parental… Read More »

Child Custody And Substance Abuse
Child custody is a serious matter to all involved, including the state of Nevada. It is the public policy of the state that children should be placed with those who will act in their best interests. When a parent has substance abuse problems, the question of whether they can act in their children’s best… Read More »

What Makes A Parent Unfit?
In dealing with issues of child custody and parenting time, all discussion is predicated on the assumption that both parents are fit to take care of children. In some cases, this is not actually the truth. Parents are often declared unfit, for a variety of reasons, which may then require alternative arrangements be made… Read More »

Does Having A Disability Mean Losing Custody?
The popular perception of disabled people is that they can handle very little in terms of responsibilities. This is absolutely a misconception. Generally, disabled people can do anything that an able-bodied person can. This is often especially true for veterans, who may face neglect and discrimination due to a physical disability. Many disabled people… Read More »