Tag Archives: Nevada Family Lawyers

When A Parent Is Unfit
Nevada custody and child support laws are founded upon the principle that the parent or the court must always act in the best interests of the child or children involved. Sometimes, this can mean that the court must make the determination that one or both parents are unfit to exercise custody or visitation rights…. Read More »

Quickie Marriages, Quickie Divorces?
By several metrics, including the state’s own registrars, Nevada has one of the highest divorce rates in the United States. There are multiple reasons for this, not least of all that it is very easy to get married in Nevada, but it is also very easy to get divorced. While picking up and moving… Read More »

Mounting & Defending Nevada Paternity Cases
Although some may think that the paternity of a child means very little in this day and age, it can actually matter substantially. Several legal benefits for the child are attached to the issue of paternity, including eligibility for benefits like Social Security or veteran’s benefits on their parent’s work record. In addition, paternity… Read More »