Your Child’s Best Interests Are the Focal Point of Custody Cases
Child custody is something that parents don’t truly want to have to battle over. Each parent wants what they think is best for the child, but when those ideas don’t mesh together, the need for a battle becomes evident. As you go through child custody issues, we are here to help you think beyond the immediate problems so that your child can begin to enjoy at least a measure of stability.
When you think about child custody matters, you must keep your child as the main focal point. It is very easy to slip into the method of thinking that you and your ex are the ones who should be the focus of the custody matters. After all, your schedule and your ex’s schedule have to be considered. Interestingly, this isn’t the case at all.
Your child’s best interests might not always be what is the easiest. The court will always default to what is best for your child, so thinking of this from the beginning can help you to avoid some legal struggles. Think of this — your work schedule dictates that you have to work every Saturday. Would it be better for your ex, who is off work on Saturdays, to have Saturdays with your child instead of your child spending the day with a sitter just so you can have the child at your home on Saturday?
No matter what is coming up in the child custody process, you have to think of your child. This includes when you make custody and visitation schedules, plans for holidays and vacations and decision-making powers for each aspect of your child’s life. We are here to help you throughout the process.